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There are many issues which are impacting our school system, our students, teachers and community as a whole when looking through the lens of the Board of Education. Here are a few touchstones on the path to better schools, student experience, and community satisfaction.

Focus on Academics

Restoring a focus on reading, writing and math. The focus on these subjects have before served generations of Americans well.  It's time we get back to the basics. Not all students are college bound and in fact the world is changing in the demand for college degrees. Our academics need to keep up with these changes to both ensure students who are college bound have access to advanced classes all while allowing those who wish to take a different path to do so and still feel engaged to learn. Our course offerings should reflect and allow students to customize their educational experience without pigeon holing them into taking subjects just to earn a credit in subjects that they will never need nor wish to learn about. While at the same time ensuring they are graduating with life skills that all students need and aides in each student becoming a productive member of our community. Read More

Protect Parental Rights

As a parent, you don't cede your rights to guide and parent your child at the school door. So often times parents are treated as the enemy by teachers and administrators of schools. Spoken down to and disrespected. Enough is enough. It's past time to ensure parents are respected by teachers and administrators and treated as a partner in their child's education. Whether you are dealing with a student with special needs and are working to get your student the services they are entitled to or a disciplinary issue which is being taken too far. Or perhaps there is something your student or yourself object to on the basis of religious or philosophical thought which is causing the conscience to be violated and in turn violating your rights, parents need an advocate on the board who will stand up to ensure that every child receives a quality education.  

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Fiscal Responsibility

The old saying goes money makes the world go 'round. This is also true with our school system. We are spending nearly $1 Billion dollars per year on our schools. The Frederick County Public Schools budget is literally the largest single line item on the county's budget overall. 

Students deserve the best possible education that can be provided within our financial means.

Our friends and neighbors who are paying taxes deserve to know we are spending the money we receive from taxes in the most effective manor possible giving the best possible student outcomes available.

The students of today are the future of tomorrow and we all need to be sure that we are getting the most for our dollar. 

We continue to see our older schools districts such as Brunswick area, and Catoctin area consistently being passed over in favor of building new schools in other areas of the county. But we must ask if we are not maintaining and improving the facilities we have then why should we build anything else new, if we are not taking care of what we have.

Is it possible to cut the budget, perhaps. But what it really comes down to is ensuring every dollar is being spent in the most efficient manor. This is the type of mindset that a business owner uses to make decisions everyday to ensure their business thrives. And this is the skillset Colt will bring to the board.

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Expanding Access to Career and Technology Programs

Frederick County Public Schools has a rich history of various offerings in courses which prepare students for actual hands on careers in everything from automotive repair, masonry, welding, cosmetology and law enforcement just to name a few. Many of these courses offer certifications and licenses which can translate into immediate careers following high school graduation. One of the current issues is many students who are on the lower end of the GPA spectrum who may benefit from these courses are being blocked by current FCPS policy from participation in them. It's time for this to change. Additionally if elected I will seek to expand the offerings at both the Career and Technology Center (CTC) as well as potential real world certification classes offered in the high schools. Many high schools around the county still have facilities within that would allow for more course offerings to be held locally instead of at CTC.  These facilities are setting empty and are costing money to maintain. So if we as a community are paying for them let's see they are put to use. Read More

Friends of Colt Black, Authority Grant P. Johnson, Treasurer
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